Name and Nicknames:

Taylor, Tay-stee GoodOne :)

Favorite Sketch you have been a part of:

Three Deep in the Window - the airplane sketch

Favorite Sketch that Live has done:

(This is so fucking hard) The Barbara Bush Tribute 

What is your favorite band or music act?


What is a piece of art that changed your life and why: 

Arms and the Man is a GB Shaw play I saw twice at APT in high school and became obsessed with it. I’ve also seen it at The Guthrie.  A friend and I loved it so much, we decided to direct our own performance of it with our other theater friends in our senior year of high school. 

It was crazy to me that something that old and sort of “posh” could be so genuinely laugh-out-loud funny, and it is still something I would travel to see in a heartbeat. That show put acting much more on my radar at the time as well, since it was probably the most challenging part I’d ever had at that point.  Also, the experience of putting on our own show, making so many decisions, as well as creating our own props, set pieces and costumes all make me appreciate Live and all the work that goes into it a lot more.

Favorite Comedy

I basically have to say Shaun of the Dead. Like, I have to? Maybe the entire Cornetto Trilogy? (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and The World’s End). I’ve seen each of them several times, and I will always love them. I’m a fan of “British humor” generally, but I also LOVE genre bending, and the way each movie takes tropes and types of characters and de-familiarizes them is fantastic. They’re surprising and funny and stupid and I love them.

Interesting fact about yourself

I used to be a political organizer in Wisconsin and Virginia. Yes, it did suck. 

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

India! Give me that goddamn curry.

If you could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be and why?

Whoops, it’s Griffin McElroy. He’s funny, a crazy hard-worker, and genuinely a very good writer and story-teller. He said in a talk once that he discovered “there was no upper limit to how much time I could put into making something better.” I find him pretty inspiring and I want to talk to him about that idea.

If you could have any career, what would it be and why?

Full-time professional podcaster/voice-over artist. (Proud of me now, dad? That English degree was worth exactly what you thought, huh?)

Biggest guilty pleasure?

Idk I don’t feel guilty about this at all but movies like Zootopia, The Devil Wears Prada and Mean Girls...which I will just watch at any moment and will never be sick of.

You have an hour to yourself...what do you do with that time?

If I have stuff to do? Doing that stuff while listening to podcasts. If not, watching YouTube cooking shows or driving around, listening to podcasts.