Name and Nicknames:

Sam Shilts

Favorite Sketch you have been a part of:

Distillery Tour

Favorite Sketch that Live has done:


What is your favorite band or music act?

Shoeless Revolution

What is a piece of art that changed your life and why:

The 2002 Cavaliers Drum and Bugle Corps field show, “Frameworks”

Favorite Comedy

Oh, Hello!: On Broadway

Biggest guilty pleasure?

Bad DC Comics movies

Interesting fact about yourself

I majored in music and directly following that, spent 3-ish years as a TV journalist. So yeah, you can do it too.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

I really wish I could go to the end of this questionnaire, but I don’t know if I’ll ever get there… But Idk, Australia? Looks cool there, apart from all the gigantic cross-fit rabbits.

If you could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be and why?

Anthony Jeselnik, and he would be dead.

If you could have any career, what would it be and why?

Live! From La Crosse, but only full time and enough money to live on because nothing else is as fun as this

You have an hour to yourself...what do you do with that time?

Try and fail to come up with sincere answer to this dating profile question. Write jokes. That’s pretty much all I like to do.

Anything else you want to add?

I’m just here so I won’t get fined.