
Notable Sketches:

Coming Soon!

Name and Nicknames:

Ret, Ret Rose, Trouble

Favorite Sketch you have been a part of:

Box of Franzia! And What Happens in Vegas

Favorite Sketch that Live has done:

I cant pick, there have been too many!

What is your favorite band or music act?

Andy Hughes

What is a piece of art that changed your life and why: 

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. It taught me that sci-fi can be funny. And that sometimes ridiculous things happen and there’s no good explanation for it.

Favorite Comedy:

Monty Python, anything Kate McKinnon has put her hands on, and Cameron Esposito's stand up

Biggest guilty pleasure?

Twitter. I should get off of it, but I cannot.

Interesting fact about yourself

I am non-binary and use the pronouns "they/them". I'm also a child and adolescent therapist.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Venice, Italy is my favorite place I have been. It's the most romantic and fantastical place. Future travel goals are Munich, Germany for Oktoberfest.

If you could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be and why?

I hate this question, honestly I'd love to just have a nice dinner by myself. Sushi, probably.

If you could have any career, what would it be and why?

If I had to leave my current job I would want to do something creative, author or artist maybe.

You have an hour to yourself...what do you do with that time?

Ideally I'd read or draw or sit in the sun. Realistically I would spend it listening to music and staring off into space. Or Twitter.