Name and Nicknames:

Lincoln Freimund, no nicknames please.

Favorite Sketch you have been a part of:

Marketing Team, probably.

Favorite Sketch that Live has done:

the skipping stones one is so good.

What is your favorite band or music act?

Tons, but stuff like Titus Andronicus, Low, and A Silver Mt Zion are always up there.

What is a piece of art that changed your life and why: 

The Crow Road by Iain Banks really stuck with me. I normally like his sci fi, but this is I think his best contemporary fiction piece; about a young man coming to terms with his messed up family and finding his place in the world, all set in late eighties Scotland.

Favorite Comedy

kids in the hall, baby

Biggest guilty pleasure?

I categorically reject the concept of guilty pleasures but i know what you're getting at so "Pacific Rim"

Interesting fact about yourself

Uhhh… I used to sing and play music in bands? That probably seems interesting by the look of me

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

The UK probably; I'm a big history nerd, especially for the period around the English civil war

If you could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be and why?

This is tough, everybody in history whose names we're taught pretty much sucked. maybe like Emma Goldman, or Dorothy Parker, or my dead grampa?

If you could have any career, what would it be and why?

Some sort of historian or lecturer, or to make a living performing comedy.

You have an hour to yourself...what do you do with that time?

Dread whatever i have to do after the hour's up and spend the remaining ten minutes reading or watching TV or something.

Anything else you want to add?

I know I seem halting and awkward in person but onstage I'm actually halting and awkward and occasionally affecting or funny