Name and Nicknames:

Emily Ware - no nicknames that I know of.

 Favorite Sketch you have been a part of:

The sketch where Gollum worked at Blockbuster.

 Favorite Sketch that Live has done:

The slow and moving Barbara Bush Tribute

 What is your favorite band or music act?

Sara Bareilles

 What is a piece of art that changed your life and why: 

The painting of Saint Francis of Assisi in His Tomb at the Milwaukee Art Museum. It was the first piece of art that I was really able to focus on for a long time and I had the opportunity to write a piece inspired by it and that's always stayed with me.

Favorite Comedy

First Wive's Club.

Biggest guilty pleasure?

Dungeons and Dragons - both playing and watching Critical Role.

Interesting fact about yourself

I am a classically trained dramatic coloratura.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

I would go back to London because I have never felt so at home and connected in a city before.

If you could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be and why?

My mom because it's something I'll never be able to do again.

If you could have any career, what would it be and why?

Full time creator. Either with my podcast, music, art, D&D, or writing. Something where I'm my own boss and am able to really explore my own talents and be an innovator.

You have an hour to yourself...what do you do with that time?

Either do some writing, catch up on some D&D stuff, or work on my bullet journal. I'm so exciting, I know.

Anything else you want to add?

One of my D&D groups is fighting a dragon on 10/12 - ask me how it went the next time you see me.